All reading rooms, library reading rooms, and PC labs in libraries will remain closed for the public from 1.6.2020 till the end of the 2019-2020 academic year according to the Δ1α/ΓΠ.οικ. 33457/ΦΕΚ 2038/30-5-2020 decision.
According to the latest Senate decision (3026/11-06-2020), the Library and Information Centre will reopen on June 12th the following onsite services only: loan services, returns, and Eudoxus textbooks returns. The working hours will be 8:30-15:30.
The Library staff continues to work to serve any other research and educational needs by providing online services and resources.
Please submit your requests using the Request items on loan form.
Check the Library Cards, Loans, Reservations for your borrowing rights.
All requests will be served on a "first come, first serve" basis.
The Holding Library will contact you either by phone or email regarding the exact date/time you may receive the requested item(s).
Please wear a face mask and disposable gloves when you will visit the library to receive the requested item(s).
Please be reminded that external users' library cards will not be issued or re-issued.
All book returns will be made AFTER contacting the holding library. The returned items will be quarantined and will be made available after the end of the quarantine period. Library staff will update the library system regarding the book returns after the end of the quarantine period.
Please ignore any automated emails regarding fines.
Students that received an email from Eudoxus about returning textbooks to the library, please contact your affiliate library or the library website team (
Please include the following pieces of information in your email: Book title(s), Faculty/School, Academic ID barcode, contact phone number, academic email (