Digitised issues from the following newspapers:
- Gazzetta Uffiziale degli Stati Uniti delle Isole Ionie (1814 – 1858). (642)
- Ermis: issue no. 2 (1875) - issue no.496 (1880). (553)
- Ephemerida ton Kyrion (Ladies’ Newspaper): issue no. 1(1887) - issue no. 1047 (1913), (924)
- Pharos tis Makedonias (Lighthouse of Macedonia): issue no. 556 (1881) – issue no. 1667 (1893), (1041)
- Agon (Struggle) (398)
- Evdomas (Week) (458)
- Episimos Efimeris tis Synelefseos (Official Gazette of the Assembly) (581)
- Efimeris ton filomathon (Gazette of the studious) (716)
- Nea Imera Tergestis (New day of Trieste) (537)
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Access information:
Closed collection. Non loanable collection. Digitized items may be openly accessed through the Psifiothiki digital library.