
Open Access

The Dimensions bibliographic database is a Digital Science product. Six Digital Science portfolio companies (Readcube, Altmetric, Figshare, Symplectic, DS Consultancy and ÜberResearch) decided to take on the new Dimensions project together in 2011.

More than 89 million publications and 870 million citations freely available for personal use. With millions of papers published each - researchers struggle to not only find the research relevant to their work but also keep track of the research landscape in the process. With more than 89 million publications and 873 million citations freely available for personal use, Dimensions provides students and researchers access to the data and information they need - with the lowest barriers possible.

The free version of Dimensions provides researchers with these key elements:

  • A data universe with 89M publication records and about 20 million researcher profiles
  • Linked information: publications contextualised with grants, patents, clinical trials and more
  • Powerful search functionality and metrics to identify trends
  • Instant Access to over 11 million open access articles

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